Hello and welcome! This blog is entirely devoted to my quest to try as many different kinds of beer as I possibly can! I am, by no means, a professional beer taster or anything remotely close, I just happen to enjoy it and want to try all I can!
The main point of the blog is to gather my thoughts as I try each one, and compare prices, alcohol content, ounces, etc. Really, it's a list of each one as I try them, mainly for myself, but if anyone else wants to come along for the ride, why not?
The Beer
So my first beer I'm blogging about is Stella Artois. I've tried a number of Belgian beer in the past, and I haven't found one that wasn't great. While this isn't bad, it isn't the best I've ever had. It leaves me with a somewhat undesirable after-taste. Oddly enough, it's the first beer I've ever had from a green bottle. The bottle also has paper around the top resembling a champagne bottle, makes it seem classy!
The Facts
Bottled in: Stella Artois Brewery, Leuven, Belgium
Ounces per bottle: 11.2 FL. OZ.
ABV: 4.8-5.2%
Cost: $10.99 (6-pack)
The History
According to Wikipedia, tax records for the brewery date back to 1366, which is the date on the bottle as well. In 1708, Sebastian Artois became the head brewer a the brewery, giving the beer it's name. Not a whole lot has changed since then apparently, other than a lower alcohol content version in the UK.
Honestly, it tastes okay, but I don't plan on buying it again. It's certainly not bad, but I had very high hopes for it. It cost a little more than the average beer I drink, and I stupidly thought it would be way better, maybe it is, I don't think so, but who am I to judge?!
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